Cooking Seafood by Tiffany & Scott Haugen
ISBN: 9781571885166
Author: Tiffany Haugen
Edition: Spiral
Number Of Pages: 168
Details: The Haugens have decades of cooking experience acquired from trips taken around the world. The recipes they share in this newest cookbook are surprisingly easy and cover a range of cooking methods. Includes Sauces, Rubs & Marinades; Cleaning & Preserving Seafood; Canning Salmon & Tuna; Plank Cooking. Lobster mac & cheese, pad Thai, white clam pizza, crab cakes, oyster stew, scallop ceviche, grilled shrimp - there is something for everyone, whether you're a novice or die-hard foodie! From the Inside Flap Enjoy tossing crab pots, hooking a hard-fighting king salmon or digging for your dinner? Or maybe you have filled your basket with sashimi-grade tuna, live oysters and a lobster or two from your local fish market? Whether gathering seafood yourself or purchasing fresh delights, getting it to the table is a culinary adventure waiting to happen; and it's easier to do than you think. Be it planked, grilled, broiled or baked, the seafood recipes found in this book are creative, easy-to-follow and pleasing to the palate. Focusing on shellfish, ocean and river fish, there is something for everyone, veteran to novice. The dual contributions of Tiffany & Scott Haugen, experts in their fields, will inspire and motivate both anglers and home-cooks to get the most out of their seafood.
Tiffany & Scott Haugen grew up in the seafood-rich Pacific Northwest. They liive, with their two sons, near waters teaming with fish and are only a quick trip from the Pacific Ocean's world-class fishing, rich clamming and oyster beds. Living off the land, air and sea is a way of life for the Haugen family.