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Fly-Fish the Surf by Lee R. Baermann
Crappie Fly-Fishing: A Seasonal Approach by Terry & Roxanne Wilson
Sight-Fishing for Striped Bass : Fly-Fishing Strategies for Inshore, Offshore and the Surf by Alan Caolo
Fly Leaders & Knots by Larry V Notley
Fly Pattern Encyclopedia: Over 1600 of the Best Fly Patterns (Federation of Fly Fishers) by Al Beatty
Fly Fishing for Pacific Salmon II by Les Johnson & Bruce Ferguson
Mayflies: Top to Bottom by Shane Stalcup
Flies: The Best One Thousand by Randle Scott Stetzer
Steelhead Dreams: The Theory, Method, Science and Madness of Great Lakes Steelhead Fly-Fishing by Matt Supinski
Yosemite Trout Fishing Guide by Steve Beck
Trout Flies of the West: Contemporary Patterns from the Rocky Mountains, West by Jim Schollmeyer
The Complete Illustrated Directory of Salmon & Steelhead Flies by Chris Mann
Survival Guide for Beginning Fly Anglers by Skip Morris
Fly-Fishing Inshore Saltwaters for Pacific Salmon: Science-Based Innovation for the Practical Fly-Fisher by Richard K Stoll
Colorado's Greenback Cutthroat Trout: A Fisherman's Guide by Jim Rubingh & Richard Fritz
Striper Moon: Fly Fishing Techniques and Flies for Striped Bass in Estuary, River, Bay & Surf by Ken Abrames
Fly Fishing New Jersey Trout Streams by Matt Grobert
Western Streamside Guide-Hardbound-by Dave Hughes
Tube Flies Two: Evolution by Mark Mandell & Bob Kenly
Leaves from a Steelheader's Diary by John Alevras
Steelhead Fly Fishing in Nez Perce Country by Dan Landeen
Small-Stream Fly-Fishing by Jeff Morgan
Lake Fly-Fishing Manifesto by Mike Croft
Trout Country Flies From Greater Yellowstone Area Masters by Bruce Staples
Fly Fishing for Summer Steelhead by John Shewey
Upper Columbia Fly-Fisher by Steven Bird
Hot Bass Flies: Patterns & Tactics from the Experts by Deke Meyer
Rainbow Trout Fly Fishing by Ron Newman
Famous British Columbia Fly-Fishing Waters by Art Lingren
Float Tube Fly Fishing by Deke Meyer
Fly-Fishing's Final Frontier: Specialty Fly Patterns and Fishing Techniques for North America's Alternate Species by Geoff Bernardo
Matching Mayflies: Everything You Need to Know to Match Any Mayfly You'll Ever Encounter by Dave Hughes
Tandem Streamers by Donald A. Wilson
Fly Fishing California's Great Waters by Dan Blanton
The Secrets of St. Anthony's Creek by Michael Rahtz (2010-12-15)
Early Northwest Fly-Fishing: A Fly-Angler's Lifetime Journey Through Oregon, Washington, and the World by Blaine Hallock
Gently used- The Art of Tying the Dry Fly by Skip Morris
Secrets for Catching Seatrout by Michael P Holliday