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Fly-Fish the Surf by Lee R. Baermann
Clamming The Pacific Northwest Coast by Ken Axt
Clamming (Here's How To...) by Scott Haugen
Notley's Ultimate Guide...Saltwater Fishing Rigs & Knots by Larry V Notley
Guide To Saltwater Fishing Knots for Gear & Fly Fishing: Knots for Super Braid, Dacron, Braid and Monofilament Lines by Larry V Notley
Sight-Fishing for Striped Bass : Fly-Fishing Strategies for Inshore, Offshore and the Surf by Alan Caolo
Fly Leaders & Knots by Larry V Notley
Tying Saltwater Flies: 12 of the Best by Deke Meyer
Here's How To: Fishing Rigs by Robert H Campbell
Here's How to Catch Flounder and Surfperch by Wayne Heinz
Fly-Fishing Inshore Saltwaters for Pacific Salmon: Science-Based Innovation for the Practical Fly-Fisher by Richard K Stoll
Depthfinders: A Guide to Finding & Catching More Fish by Wayne Heinz
Striper Moon: Fly Fishing Techniques and Flies for Striped Bass in Estuary, River, Bay & Surf by Ken Abrames
Here's How to Catch Halibut by Wayne Heinz
Saltwater Flies: Over 700 of the Best by Deke Meyer
Catch Rockfish, Lingcod & Other Bottomfish (Here's How To...) by Wayne Heinz
Secrets for Catching Seatrout by Michael P Holliday
Fishing Guide to Central America's Prolific Pacific by Ray Rychnovsky