Crappie Fly-Fishing: A Seasonal Approach by Terry & Roxanne Wilson
ISBN: 9781571885005
Author: Wilson, Terry & Roxanne
Details: Crappie are the Rodney Dangerfields of freshwater fish. No respect, especially from fly-fishermen. But the Wilsons latest book is about to change all that. Despite their name, there are a lot of good things about crappie: they can be found across the U.S.; they're abundant; crappie are voracious, competitive feeders, they're strong fighters on light tackle; and they taste delicious. In their usual concise and highly entertaining style, the Wilsons explore, year-round by season, the fish, its behaviors and habitats; the most effective equipment; when, where, how to find and catch them; best flies and fly styles, including fly-tying steps; and more. Crappie myths are debunked.
Exciting and productive crappie fishing is available year-round, so get out there and enjoy it! About the Author For over a quarter century Terry and Roxanne Wilson have presented practical, innovative fly-fishing methods for bluegill, largemouth and smallmouth bass, crappie, shortnose gar, and channel catfish in over 200 magazine articles published in all the top fishing magazines. They are staff writers for St.Louis-based Outdoor Guide Magazine and write the Fly-fishing column for Driftwood Outdoors. The Wilsons have travelled widely to share their enthusiasm and methods through seminars, demonstrations and presentations at club meetings; outdoor shows; state, regional and international fly-fishing shows. They reside in Missouri and enjoy fishing the streams, lakes and ponds of the Ozark Mountains.