Jig Fishing for Steelhead & Salmon by Dave Vedder
ISBN: 9781571883919
Author: Vedder, Dave
Number Of Pages: 96
Details: If you love to catch steelhead and salmon this may be the most important book you will ever read. Between these covers is all the information you need to find and catch steelhead, coho, chinook, pink and chum salmon in rivers. In addition, there are complete chapters on making your own jigs and on fishing lead jigs in the ocean for salmon. Jig fishing has become very popular recently because many guides and top rods know that many times in many places there is no more effective way to catch steelhead and salmon than with a properly presented jig. Not only is jig fishing extremely effective, it is also a ton of fun. Few thrills in angling match the feel of your line coming tight as a steelhead or salmon inhales a jig you made yourself. If you want to catch more fish and have more fun doing it this book is a must.